
Japanese follows English. 日本語訳を英語の紹介文の後に掲載しています。 

Located an approx. 20-minute walk of JR Izumi-Sunagawa Station, Rinsho-ji Temple boasts a long history dating back to the first half of the 8th century.  It was founded by Gyoki, a historically renowned priest who conducted the building of the Great Buddha statue at Todai-ji Temple, Nara, according to the legend of the temple. 

On the Coming-of-the-Age Day (public holiday) , the second Monday of January, every year, a “goma” fire ritual, called 柴燈大護摩供 (Saito-ohgomaku), is performed by “yama-bushis”, practitioners of “Shugendo” (Japanese mountain asceticism – shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhism) on the top of Atago-yama Mountain, east of the main hall of the temple.  In the goma fire ritual, yama-bushis set a fire to burn wood sticks that have been piled up to form a 2-meter-high “goma-dan” alter, in the pray for huge harvest, public peace and safety, and so on.

Pillar of flames and plumes of smoke rise so high into the air, which is very spectacular.  After the fire burned out, the embers are flatly placed for the “fire walk ceremony,” in which yama-bushis walk across.  Then you can walk barefoot across the still warm charcoals to pray for protection from evil.

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mosaiced 林昌寺護摩焚き(3)

Another attraction is the “Mini Shikoku 88-Temple Route,“ running across the low mountains inside the temple premises.  This is a shorter version of “the Shikoku 88-Temple Route,” created approx. 200 years ago, in the Edo period.  The authentic Shikoku Route is the most famous pilgrimage one in Japan, which is roughly 1,400 kilometers long, and takes about two months to complete the journey on foot.  Shorter versions like this were created for those who cannot make such a long journey. The route in Rinsho-ji Temple takes just 2 hours on foot.  On the Coming-of-the-Age Day every year, the Sennan City Tourism Association conducts a guided tour to the mini route.  After the tour, you can watch the goma-burning ritual and join the “fire walk ceremony” if you like.

For inquiries, mail to : info@welcome-sennan.com 


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